Keeping It Real

We understand that our personal lives take priority over our hobbies. But we still like to try and simulate the experience the best we can.

Flight Planning/ATC

  • Proper flight planning and ATC communications are always a priority. Even if you’re flying offline, we encourage you to always practice your communications. If you’re still learning and have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. We’re always happy to help you progress.

Pilot Persistence

  • Always fly from your current airport and use aircraft that are at your current airport as well. If you find that there are no planes or flights available from your current location, you can use the Jump Seat option to travel to another airport. (Current location of all aircraft can be seen from the fleet page. Leave Of Absence
  • If you need to take an LOA for any reason, just let us know. It is no problem at all. Any pilot will automatically be placed on leave after 60 days of no activity.


  • SplitJet uses an Economic system which pays close attention to all VA finances, including Pilot Pay, Ticket Fares, Fuel, Airport Services Fees and more. Making a note of fuel on board before a flight will determine if, and how much fuel you may need for the next leg. Like any business, we want to stay in the GREEN!

Aircraft Maintenance

  • Each one of our planes goes through routine checks each time they return to the hub. Each aircraft also go through extensive checks after reaching so many flights and hours.
  • If you experience a landing greater than-500 fpm, your aircraft will require a maintenance check at your current location. This check lasts up to 12 hours.